1. Which training session did you attend?
- Select one -
Bias in the Brain: Unconscious, but not invisible
From Participants to Publication: Inclusive research design for human studies
Science For All: Inclusive and accessible science communication
The Belonging Boost: Energizing our brains through inclusive spaces
Think Differently Together: Strengthening collaboration and innovation by embracing cognitive diversity
Something else / Custom session
2. Date of the training session
3. How did your experience at the session compare with your expectations?
- Select one -
The session exceeded my expectations
The session met my expectations
The session partially met my expectations
The session did not meet my expectations at all
4. How relevant was the session to your daily life (e.g. work, school, family, hobbies, and/or other endeavours)?
- Select one -
Very relevant
Somewhat relevant
Not very relevant
Not at all relevant
5. How likely are you to seek out further learning on at least one of the topics discussed at the session?
- Select one -
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
6. How likely are you to initiate discussion with others about at least one thing you learned in the session?
- Select one -
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
7. How likely are you to try implementing at least one of the strategies presented in the session?
- Select one -
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
8. How likely are you to recommend this session to people you know?
- Select one -
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
9. Feel free to share any other feedback on the session.
If you would like Falisha to follow up with you about any of your feedback, please include your name and contact information
10. Testimonials from participants are highly valuable in promoting future training. If you would be willing to share a 2-3 sentence public testimonial to help encourage others to participate, please enter it in the following text box.
Testimonials can cover what you found most valuable, how the session impacted you, how you plan to use what you learned, why you would recommend the session etc.
If you would like your name and/or affiliation stated with the testimonial in the event it is selected for publication, please include it at the end of your testimonial.
Huge thanks for taking the time to write a testimonial - it's greatly appreciated!